First there was E-mail. Then came a whole bunch of other E’s: E-Harmony, E-Trade, E-Bay, E-Schedules, E-Books, E-Cards, E-Magazines and even E-Cigarettes! We’re surrounded by E’s! Even our world of acronyms has been hit…
E-SAFE is a reminder to the Christian to Endure life’s trials like a Soldier, an Athlete and a Farmer, confident that Eternity will be our reward.
- Endure – Life is tough, sometimes downright ugly, but we are to be “Strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus” (2 Timothy 2:1)
- Soldiers of Jesus Christ give up worldly security and endure rigorous discipline in order to “please their commanding officer” (2 Timothy 2:4)
- Athletes train hard and follow the rules to “receive the victor’s crown” (2 Timothy 2:5)
- Farmers work hard and remain patient “to be the first to receive a share of the crops” (2 Timothy 2:7
- Eternity awaits. Rejoice! The struggles of this life will be defeated as we “fight the good fight, finish the race, and keep the faith” (2 Timothy 4:7)