Among the many benefits of the Agape Soccer Program are:


The game of soccer provides a simple, safe and effective way to encourage special needs children to engage in meaningful exercise. Whether participating in practice sessions or playing games, the health benefits of consistent movement and coordination activities are of tremendous value

Receiving instruction, solving problems and cooperating with other children are critical components in the game of soccer. Through a variety of stimulating and engaging activities, participants will grow both cognitively and emotionally through their Sports Quest experience

Sports Quest believes that every child has the right to enjoy sports – in this case, soccer. Since 1996, thousands of children have benefitted from the excitement and exhilaration the game has to offer, not to mention the social interaction, confidence and friendships which have occurred simultaneously

Enjoy these short video clips of the Agape Soccer Program in action, and for further information, contact our Special Needs Coordinator, Kristy Holder at Kristy.holder@sqsoccer.com

Learn how you can get involved and join the team!