My son wants to be baptized thanks to SQ camp. What a treat to hear as a mom when you pick them up from sports camp. The coaches show the kids that Jesus is a way of life, not just a prayer or a devotional.
Our son always loves coming to Sports Quest camps. I asked him toward the end of the week what he'd gained the most in both soccer knowledge and spiritually. His answer without hesitation was "I've grown closer to God this week and I've learned how to play more as a team."
My kids came home talking about what they learned about God more than any VBS they've attended! They love this camp and I see a real difference in their attitudes as a result of their attendance. Best camp (and VBS) of the whole year!
My son attended a Sports Quest camp four years ago at Chapelwood. Although he was in church weekly and we did home bible studies, he didn't accept Christ until Sports Quest. Thanks to all the people who make Sports Quest possible. Your prayers, your lessons, and your example changed my son's life.
I appreciated how welcoming and positive the staff was upon coming to the camp each day. I was so impressed by the ministry of Sports Quest and the honesty in the message shared every day. I would highly recommend this camp to others. My daughter also wants to come again next year.