As a Christian soccer coach, or as a Christian coach of any sport for that matter, it’s essential that you know WHY you do what you do, day in and day out. Having a coaching philosophy allows you to stay focused on the “big picture” during times of both adversity and success. Without focus, it’s all too easy to become distracted by the outcome of a game, public perception etc. Only by consistently reviewing (and perhaps occasionally, revising) our coaching philosophy will we remain true to our calling as salt and light in the often overly competitive environment of sports.

Below is my coaching philosophy. Hope it helps you to consider why you spend so many hours planning and implementing your game plan!

My definition of “Coach”
A Coach is one who inspires, encourages, motivates and loves on another in order to maximize his or her potential on and off the athletic field

My purpose as a Coach
To equip young people to make God-honoring choices on and off the field, and to be a light to others as an ambassador for Christ

My core values as a Coach

My definition of success
Faithfully presenting the Christian message and being a positive role model and life influencer

How I measure success
Transformed lives and development of leaders

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